​The recruitment landscape has been significantly altered by the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). This transformative technology is redefining how companies attract, evaluate, and retain talent, offering unprecedented efficiencies and insights.

In this article, we will explore how AI is becoming a game changer in recruitment and retention and we will also delve into the debate over AI versus human touch in recruitment, assess its reliability, discuss how businesses can leverage AI to streamline their processes and prepare for the future of work.

How AI Is A Game Changer For Recruiting And Retention?

AI-powered recruiting tools provide several advantages over traditional methods, such as the ability to analyse vast amounts of data, automate various stages of the recruitment process, reduce bias, and identify passive candidates who might not be actively job hunting, thereby improving employee retention.

While traditional recruiting primarily targets active job seekers, AI allows companies to efficiently process a large volume of applications, saving recruiters significant time. This enhanced precision helps talent acquisition professionals quickly pinpoint the most qualified candidates for the job.

Salesforce and other forward-thinking companies are pioneering the use of AI in recruitment and retention. Instead of manually reviewing millions of résumés, machine learning algorithms can efficiently analyse extensive data sets to match the best candidates with job requirements. Traditional recruiting methods depend heavily on human judgment and intuition, which can introduce subjectivity and bias.

As reported in an October 2021 confidential internal document viewed by Recode, Amazon has been developing an Automated Applicant Evaluation system designed to identify job applicants with the highest potential for success. This software matches applicants' résumés against those of current Amazon employees in similar roles. Once these promising candidates are identified by the AI tool, Amazon will expedite their interview process for positions in both white-collar headquarters and warehouses.

Is AI Better Than The Human Touch In Recruitment?

The question of whether AI is better than the human touch in recruitment is complex. AI excels in processing large volumes of data, identifying patterns, and making objective decisions based on predefined criteria which can significantly reduce bias in the hiring process.

However, the human touch remains crucial in recruitment as it can bring empathy, intuition, and cultural understanding to the table—qualities that AI cannot replicate. Building relationships with candidates, understanding their motivations, and assessing cultural fit are areas where human recruiters excel.

The ideal recruitment strategy combines the strengths of both AI and human recruiters. AI can handle the initial stages of the hiring process, such as sourcing, screening, and scheduling interviews, while recruiters can focus on the final stages, ensuring a personal touch and making subjective judgments that AI cannot.

Is It a Foolproof System?

Despite its many advantages, AI in recruitment is not a foolproof system, yet. There are 3 main concerns:-

  1. Algorithmic Bias Concerns: As AI systems learn from historical data AI can perpetuate and amplify these biases, if biases are found in any part of the data. For example, if historical hiring data favours a certain demographic, AI might prioritise similar candidates, undermining diversity and inclusion efforts.

  2. Context and Nuance Limitations: AI can assess qualifications and experience but cannot fully capture a candidate's potential, creativity, or cultural fit. Sole reliance on AI can lead to overlooking high-potential candidates who don't fit traditional criteria but have unique qualities driving innovation and growth.

  3. Mitigation Strategies: Companies will continuously be required to monitor and refine their AI systems and ensure that the systems are trained on diverse and representative data.

How Can Businesses Use AI to Speed Up Their Work?

AI can significantly speed up various aspects of the recruitment process, enhancing efficiency and reducing time-to-hire. Here are some ways businesses can leverage AI:

  1. Resume Screening: AI-powered tools can scan and evaluate resumes, identifying the most qualified candidates based on predefined criteria in the shortest amount of time.

  2. Candidate Sourcing: AI can scour the internet and social media platforms to identify potential candidates who match the job requirements. These tools can also analyse job market trends and salary benchmarks, helping recruiters make informed decisions.

  3. Interview Scheduling: AI can automate the process of scheduling interviews, coordinating between candidates and interviewers to find suitable times, and sending reminders. This reduces the administrative burden on recruiters and ensures a smooth candidate experience.

  4. Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can engage with candidates in real-time, answering their queries, providing information about the company and the role, and even conducting preliminary assessments. This ensures timely and consistent communication, improving the candidate experience.

  5. Predictive Analytics: AI can analyse data from previous hiring cycles to predict outcomes and optimize the recruitment process. For example, it can identify which sourcing channels yield the best candidates or which interview questions are most predictive of job performance.

Retaining Talent with AI

The future of work is being shaped by rapid advancements in technology, and AI is at the forefront of this transformation. To prepare for this future, businesses must adopt a proactive and strategic approach to integrating AI into their operations. Using and integrating AI into our work is the need of the hour. More and more talent are now looking for organisations to support this skillset. To stay ahead in the game, organisations should now:

  1. Invest in AI Training and Development: Provide AI training and development programs for employees as this helps to foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability to stay ahead of technological advancements.

  2. Balanced AI Integration: Automate tasks with AI while maintaining the human element in areas requiring empathy, creativity, and personal interaction, ensuring technology enhances human capabilities.

  3. Prioritise Ethical AI Practices: Ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI systems by addressing issues of bias and data privacy.


The future of AI envisions a collaborative partnership between humans and machines, where AI boosts human abilities, enabling individuals to concentrate on higher-level tasks that require human creativity and expertise.

While AI is not a foolproof system, it can be a powerful tool when used responsibly and ethically. Businesses can leverage AI to speed up their recruitment processes, enhance candidate engagement, and make data-driven decisions. Preparing for the future of work requires a balanced approach, combining AI's strengths with human capabilities and fostering a culture of continuous learning and ethical practices.

At Charterhouse Asia, we stay at the forefront by effectively using AI and technology to complement our talent search while maintaining a personal touch to enhance our recruitment strategies.

For more info, get in touch with us.